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Goulburn Broken CMA

GB CMA works with the community to protect and improve the region's land, water and biodiversity.
Our programs cover:
Sustainable Irrigation – Promote best-practice irrigation activities through extension programs, whole farm planning,
farm irrigation modernization, surface and sub-surface management and water quality improvement activities.
Waterways – Carry out activities (eg fencing, revegetation, re-snagging) to improve river and wetland health (including after
natural disasters).
Floodplain management – Build flood resilient communities by capturing and
sharing flood knowledge to ensure future developments are not unduly exposed to
flood hazard. Protect waterways through works on waterway permit.
Biodiversity and Land Health – Carry out activities (eg fencing, revegetation, cultural surveys) to improve and protect habitat, threatened species and soil health (including after natural disasters).
Read more here: http://www.gbcma.vic.gov.au